Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentine's Day Dinner

I know, I know Valentine's Day is on the 14th and it's the 12th.  Well when your the Busy Girl, sometimes you just have to go with the flow.

Valentine's Day to me is TRULY a holiday created when Hallmark and Godiva Chocolate decided to get together and make single girls hate their life for two weeks out of every year.  (Yes, I am still bitter from all those years I drowned my sorrows at a bar on Valentine's Day when I was single.)

My College Roommates, Kelly and Elizabeth 
on our way to celebrate Valentine's Day.  
Elizabeth had a date that night! 

As I have gotten older, I have realized that Valentine's Day is not about the chocolates, the cards or the flowers -- but taking a moment to show the people in your life (whether it be your significant other, your mom, best friend, or puppy) that you love them.

I know I am not the only "Busy Girl" or guy out there who runs around like a crazy person 24/7 and that sometimes we forget about the people that matter in our life.  Valentine's Day should not be celebrated just on February 14 but all 365 days of the year.

Since the Busy Girl will be in the Lone Star State during Valentine's Day, the Urban Farmer and I decided to make time in our busy schedule for a nice dinner at home with each other.

We went to Safeway and got filet mignon, lobster tail, asparagus, potatoes and fresh bread.  There is nothing that we love more than a night in the kitchen.  Together we spent all evening in the kitchen preparing our five star meal.
Before it hit the grill!

For the potatoes we decided to make Twice-Baked mashed potatoes.  It was AMAZING!

In a large bowl mix together:
2 large potatoes (baked)
4 oz of cream cheese
1 stick of butter
1/4 cup of milk
1/2 a cup of cheese
1/4 cup of chives
salt and peeper to taste
Bacon (as much or as little as your heart desires)

Mix all ingredients with a beater.  You will have the best Twice Baked Mashed Potatoes EVER!
All the food!

I put a candlestick in an empty wine 
bottle!  Great Centerpiece!

We had a wonderful steak, lobster and side dishes.  The Urban Farmer and I could beat out a Ruth Chris if we tried.

And to put the cherry on the perfect Valentine celebration -- the Urban Farmer got me a sewing machine!  I am SO excited to make us matching pajamas.  (Yes, we are that type of couple).

Well readers, HAPPY early Valentine's Day!  To all my single friends out there have a shot for me, but take a moment to enjoy all the AMAZING people in your life.

Surf and Turf!

Well I have a 6:00 am flight.  I'll be writing you then!


The Busy Girl

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