Monday, July 9, 2012

The New Busy Girl

So after a long overdue hiatus I am BACK to blogging!  (WOHOO)

I realized that my blog was becoming way to much work than being a fun piece of the internet where I get to share a little piece of me with the world.

I think part of blogging is finding your voice as a writer -- since I spend all day at work writing for someone else who -- I found this a little difficult.  But I think I have kinda figured this whole "blogging" thing working out for me.

Therefore, I decided that I need to focus on writing about the 3 things that I actually know about; Food, Wine and well ME!

This means no more me pretending like I'm some Jillian Micheals health instructor or Martha Stewart or some perfect person than I am not.

I am a mess, sometimes I don't brush my hair before work, I am narcotic, I am stubborn, I get sad, I cry uncontrollably at times and then I laugh at things that don't make sense to anyone but me.  That's me and I am happy with who I am.

Well I hope you enjoy the new blog.  Feel free to share anything with me and wish me luck with my future blogging!

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