Sunday, March 4, 2012

Mango Apple Smoothie

Mango and Apple = Love

At this pint in my smoothie making career I am starting to live on the edge a little and try new things.  It is Sunday therefore my cooking day for the week.  the urban Farmer and i searched through the fridge and found that we had an apple and two mangos that needed to go -- and a smoothie was the way to go!

I decided to make my smoothies for Monday and Tuesday tonight so I am not stuck waking up at 5 am just to have a smoothie.  Great idea for any busy girl or boy out their that wants a good breakfast but does not want to be stuck cooking at 5 am!

2 cut up mangos
1 Apple cut up
1 cup of yogurt
1 cup of almond milk

 Mmm . . . Just look at that!

Combine all ingredients into a blender and blend.

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