Friday, June 19, 2015

Will the Real Busy Girl Please Stand Up?

Now, unfortunately, I must admit something up front... as someone who wanted to share my story with the world, or just my friends and family near and far, I have failed you.  I have failed to really share who I am, my thoughts and my beliefs for one real reason, FEAR.

Now, I know that sounds pathetic and cowardly, but that is the real reason.  For fear of not being accepted, fear of "offending someone" or worst, fear of starting drama.

For these reasons, I must apologize.

But today, I leave that fear behind and come back as a more thoughtful and provocative writer.

Not someone scared of what others may think, but someone ready to share her thoughts, wisdom, funny stories and beliefs with the world.

I plan to devote myself to publishing the blemished, no make-up true Busy Gal.

Sometimes things won't be pretty, but I hope by sharing the truth and the real me, that I may write a blog that I actually enjoy to write and something that I am proud to share with the world.

I ask that you join me on this journey and be patient as I figure out life, love and blogging!

As I share my life with you, I hope that you catch on to my humor (sometimes I don't get it myself), accept me for my beliefs and join me in learning from my failures.  The truth and life are far from pretty, but it's the journey that makes it all worth it.

If nothing else, I hope that to those of you that visit me in my little home on the internet, feel the warmth and hospitality that I hope to provide to everyone whose paths I cross.

So, over the next couple of months, my little home on the internet will be going through some changes (Just like my home in real life, but we'll cover that later).  I ask that you be patient, give me positive feedback when deserved and try to sugar coat the bad feedback.

But for now, I welcome you to my internet home.  Feel free to be nosy and go through all my stuff (I do it in your home).

Thank you for sharing your time with me and allowing me to share my stories with you.

XOXO - The Busy Girl

Monday, June 15, 2015

Oh Hey There Stranger...

So, it is 10 at night, and as I toss and turn in my bed and listen to the gentle snoring of my husband, I remember that over three years ago I started a blog to chronicle my life, falling in love and everything in between.

Then, as I do with most of my responsibilities in my life -- I forgot about it.

Now here I am, three years later, with nothing to show for it but 70 posts on a blog that are providing un-solicited (and probably not doctor recommended) self-help from a person who see nothing wrong with spending an afternoon binge watching Netflix (we all do it... right?).

So, like I did in 2014 and 2013, I will attempt to revive my blog.

For the maybe three people in the world that enjoy my endless ramblings, you are welcome.

For the other five billion people in the world that will continue to live on never knowing that this little sliver of the internet exist, I hope that one day, for one second, this lover of life (that's ME) that we may cross paths on the internet or in real life and that we both for a second add something positive to each others lives.

But until we meet again, or I remember that I have a blog, I wish y'all good night!