Thursday, November 7, 2013

Wedding Planning: Right after the Engagement

When the Urban Farmer and I got engaged it was AMAZING how quickly people started asking us questions....  Have you picked a date?  What are your wedding colors?  How's in the Bridal party?

Now getting engaged is a whirlwind of emotion and excitement!  You are so excited and happy that you feel like you are on cloud nine!  For me, those first couple days of being engaged was so overwhelming, I did not even know what to do.  

Now, since the Urban Farmer and I were camping that weekend, it meant that we got a little time to enjoy the engagement before we started to share our excitement.  For any future couples to get engaged, I highly recommend that you take a little time to enjoy your engagement by yourselves.  

I know how exciting it is to call your family, your best friend and your sorority sisters, but those couple hours where we got enjoy being engaged alone were some of the best moments of the engagement.  

After the Urban Farmer and I left our little piece of Heaven on the New River, we went and spent some time at a winery together and alone.  
Us at the Winery!

Then on the way home we started to call people to share with them our exciting news.  

Of course, I told my parents right after we got engaged, but the Urban Farmer had to tell his family, and we both had friends to tell.  

Now, since the Urban Farmer's Mom, sister and brother lives 30 minutes from us, we both decided that we were going to tell them in person.  

So while driving home, the Urban Farmer and I called close friends to tell them our exciting news.  

Then, the Urban Farmer called his Dad to let him know.

Then after that we told his family.

And this may sound surprising in today's day and age, but we didn't put anything on Facebook for two days!  Crazy I know.  Most people do it immediately.  

It wasn't that we were trying to hide our engagement or keep it a secret, the truth is we wanted to do things our way.  We wanted our engagement to move at our own pace and to enjoy the privacy.  Remember your engagement is about the both of YOU, not anyone else

Now I love all the Facebook love, but I was already overwhelmed.... I didn't need to add anymore to it.

When we finally told social media and Facebook, the Urban Farmer and I had an outpouring of love from our friends and families.  We were both surprised and happy wit how many people were happy with us.

After sharing our engagement with everyone it was time to focus on the next part -- wedding planning.  

In my next couple of posts I would like to share with y'all my experiences planning.  The happiness, the tears and all the emotions in between.  I hope that you will enjoy reading this exciting part of my life with you.


The Busy Girl!

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